Established 11 Dec 1997
Genuine English Pub Experience
Volgens de BBC "De meest authentieke Britse pub op het Europese vasteland"
De Volkskrant

"The Roast Beef of Old England," an English patriotic ballad,
was written by Henry Fielding for his play The Grub-Street Opera, first performed in 1731.
When mighty Roast Beef was the Englishman's food,
It ennobled our brains and enriched our blood.
Our soldiers were brave, and our courtiers were good
Oh! The Roast Beef of old England,
And old English Roast Beef
To celebrate the 21st Birthday of Florin Utrecht (opened 11 December 1997) - a place where value for money, quality product and service, atmosphere and British quirkiness are key - we are introducing a new initiative which includes a first in Utrecht and maybe even the Netherlands...............?
FLORIN BRITISH SUNDAYS is a once a month event where the main focus is getting together with friends or family to enjoy some great British food and drinks not readily available anywhere else in Utrecht - in Utrecht's only authentic English pub!
We are introducing for the first time in Utrecht/NL the Florin Yorkshire Pudding Sunday Roast Wrap - a 25cm wide Yorkshire Pudding filled with our special BISTO beef and port & rosemary gravy, tender roast beef, horseradish sauce and mixed vegetables, served with potatoes seasoned with rosemary, garlic and rock salt!
A traditional Sunday Roast but with as ever a unique Florin twist!
PRICE: 27,95
All these special meals are PREPARED AND COOKED IN HOUSE to achieve maximum taste and freshness!
WHEN in 2024?
January 26th
February 25th
October 27th
November 24th
Send an email to florinreservations@gmail.com no later than 5 days in advance of the scheduled date and you'll receive a confirmation back.
Places are restricted and due to the nature of the preparation and only between 16.00hrs - 18.00hrs. It is not possible to reserve on the day itself or just walk in and order.
The British love of beef, and particularly for lunch on a Sunday, is nothing new, as it is such a part of the national identity, that even the French call us "rosbifs" (roast beef). The Sunday Roast came to prominence during the reign of King Henry VII in 1485 and the Yeoman of the Guard–the royal bodyguard–have affectionately been known as "beefeaters" since the 15th century because of their love of eating roast beef.
Startlingly, contrary to modern thinking about meat eating, in 1871, William Kitchener, author of Apicius Redivivus or The Cook's Oracle, recommended eating 3 kg (6lb) of meat each week as part of a healthy diet (he also recommended 2 kilos of bread and a pint of beer every day). Today in the UK, we eat approximately 1.5 kg of meat each week–only 200g of which is beef–and some think even that is too much.
Kitchener also describes in the book how to roast "the noble sirloin of about fifteen pounds:" before the fire for four hours for Sunday lunch. This method of hanging the meat on a spit, or in the 19th century, suspended from a bottle-jack and indeed that size of a joint, demanded a sizable fireplace to feed a large household, not only on Sunday, but as cold cuts, stews and pies throughout the week.
The less well-off did not have the luxury of a large fireplace or the money for much meat, so the smaller weekly roast would be dropped off en-route to church at the baker's and cooked in the cooling bread ovens–bread was not baked on a Sunday.
With access for all to cook meat on a Sunday, the tradition of the British Sunday lunch began and still continues today.
The ubiquitous partner to the roast was and still is a Yorkshire Pudding. The pud was not served alongside the meat as often seen today. Instead, it was a starter dish served with lots of gravy.
By eating it first, it was that hoped everyone would be too full and eat less meat on the main course (which of course was very expensive).
Though meat is no longer roasted in front of the fire, and today is baked in the modern oven, we still cling onto the term "Sunday roast." On Sundays throughout the UK, pubs and restaurants are packed full for the roast dinner–some even serve the meal on other days of the week, such is its popularity.
But for many, cooking and serving Sunday lunch at home is the very heart of British food and cooking. It is the time for families or friends to get together and share great food.